Kalyani says,

I came to Thapas yoga at a very difficult time in my life. I had gone through a bad phase and I knew I had to make a drastic positive change in me. And the timing could not have been perfect when I started learning yoga under the able guidance of our beloved Uma mam. To this day, I thank my every star for making me take the decision to join Thapas yoga.
For that is where I started my transformation from an ignorant, spoilt individual to a person who can think beyond the established rules and yearn for a spiritual connection. Uma mam is an ocean of knowledge. I’m saying this from firsthand experience from
the numerous times she has amazed us all with her deep understanding of yoga, the human body and the human mind. And she explains it in a way that we can understand. She is a wonderful teacher profoundly connected and passionate towards her subject. It has been few years since I have attended
Uma mam’s asana classes, but till now I can remember the minute instructions she gave during my practice, whenever I do yoga on my own. That is the kind of impact mam has on you and this shows her efficiency. She genuinely cares for her students and she has helped me get through many of my life’s toughest phases with her positivity and love. I can vouch for the fact that there will always be a positive change in any life she touches. I love and respect Uma mam very much and am so glad that I have her in my life.

Captain Raman says,

From active life in shipping, about 3 years ago, I developed symptoms of sluggishness and tremor in hand and feet. After a series of tests, including CT scans, doctors diagnosed my condition as “Idiopathic Parkinson Disease” and prescribed a series of drugs including some steroids to be taken lifelong. I was very reluctant and tried a series of alternate medicines including Ayurveda and Homeopathy. Unable to find a reason for my condition, they branded me as a person with deep underlying stress though I strongly refuted this. Then one day,
about 4 months back, a close friend took me to meet Dr. Uma who is practicing yoga therapy. He warned me however to keep up time since the doctor is very strict. We went to meet the doctor and was about 3 mins late, only to see a stern looking middle aged lady advising another patient. She didn’t however fail to give a look at a wall clock meaningfully indicating that we are late!!
When my turn came, she told me to move few limbs and suggested some simple moves while chanting OM. Took about 10 mins and I was out, wondering if this would work out. However, I continued doing the movements as exercise but found my limbs hardening further. After two weeks, my right arm movement was severely restricted. Dr. Uma was away in Kailash during this period. As soon as she came back, she saw my condition and suggested oil application along with yoga. During these days of interaction, I realized that she is highly spiritual in nature and has immense faith in her guru’s healing power. The days that followed, I had continuous oil application for 15 days. During this period, she also advised me to do go for daily walks and swimming. My gait improved considerably and my stiffness reduced. But the shiver was still present.
I am right now undergoing further treatment to improve my health. During this period, I also realized that she is very knowledgeable and efficient. Infact, I find there is more lacunae from my side in following her instructions to the Tee. Under the tough exterior lies a gentle soul which has tremendous good will for health of others. The bottom line, “I would any day not hesitate to put my life on her able healing hands of Dr. Uma”. God Bless her to continue with her good work for years to come and heal thousands of people.